- Pane di casa ´co criscenti di S. Giuvanni
(home-made bread made with baking powder)
- Olive bread
- Onion bread
- Mushroom bread
- Tomato bread
- Dried fig bread
- Home-made macaroni ´co fusiddu da ´za Cuncittina
- Pizzoccheri della Valtellina
- Fresh pasta of various sizes
- Bread of various sizes, flours and cooking methods
- Saraceno wheat flour
- Chickpea flour
- Coconut flour
- Chestnut flour
- Almond flour
- Carob flour
- Manitoba flour
- Flour for yellow polenta taragna (made from saraceno wheat)
- Flour for white polenta taragna (made from saraceno wheat)
- Bronte pistachio flour
- Couscous